Blossoms in the Dust
“Blossoms in the Dust” is the title of a 1941 movie that stars the inimitable Greer Garson as Edna Gladney, a Texas woman who championed the rights of unwanted infants (the blossoms playing in the Texas dust).
Gladney (1886-1861) founded the Texas Children's Home and Aid Society. She struggled to overcome prejudice and lobbied the bureacracy to strike the word "illegitimate" from official records and birth certificates:"there is no such thing as an illegitimate child, only illegitimate parents."
Labels: Blossoms in the Dust, Edna Gladney, Fort Worth, Greer Garson, Texas, Texas Children's Home and Aid Society
Warped Strata
Strata are layers of sediments or rocks, while stratigraphy is the interpretation of layers that have accumulated over time, and which may have been deformed, even overturned after their deposition. According to the Law of Superposition, younger strata normally accumulated above older strata.
This page has a photo of Antelope Canyon plus links to more photographs of this beautiful slot canyon near Rage, Arizona. More Antelope Canyon photos, and, from the same photographer, landscape photographs. Near to Antelope Canyon are these beautiful sculpted strata of lithified sand dunes in the Paria Canyon/Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness.
Labels: Law of Superposition, overturned, strata, stratigraphy