
Opals are gems, yet are not crystals. Instead, opals are composed of amorphous quartz.

The New York Times has run an interesting book review entitled, 'In God, Distrust'. The reviewer takes a mostly positive position on Christopher Hitchens, author of 'God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything' (307 pp. Twelve/Warner Books.) I think that the book's title is a little over the top.

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Metamorphic Series

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Metamorphism is the process where rocks – igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic –are altered by temperature and/or pressure or infiltration by chemical solutions into different rock types, such as banded gneisses. The nature of the resulting metamorphic rock is dependent upon the parent rock and the extent to which it has been recrystallized. The degree of change is reflected in a metamorphic series in which different minerals arise as the result of greater and greater degrees of metamorphic change.

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Crystal Ware


Blue Biera

Blue Pollock

Brain Swirl


Auto Da Fe

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The image has nothing whatsoever to do with the term 'auto da fe' or 'auto da fé', which is Portuguese for 'act of faith'. The Spanish phrase 'auto de fe' refers to a ritual of public penance performed by condemned heretics and apostates. These religious acts took place after trial and conviction by the Spanish or Portuguese Inquisitions.

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. . . since 11/15/06